One thing nobody every really calls out about getting older is how intentional you have to be with your time. If you tell yourself you'll do something "whenever I get the time," you'll probably never do it. You have to make the time - and sometimes take the time - to do all the things you want, while reconciling it with all the things you need to do.

So this past Friday, I knew I'd have a nice window to myself in the early afternoon. I really needed to do a load of laundry. I also needed/wanted to walk the dog. However, I really wanted to grab a bougie latte from a millennial's daydream of a coffeeshop. I let Raven run around in the backyard while I put the load in the wash; then I asked J to put the stuff in the dryer while I was gone (spoiler: he forgot). Off I went. 

I wasn't kidding when I said this spot was a millennial's daydream.

The plants. The wall quote making fun of wall quotes. The minimal furniture. The Marshall speaker at the bar. This place has all the ~~aesthetic~~ vibes.

I didn't even plan to post this on the blog, but I couldn't stop taking pictures.

Sometimes I feel places like this focus more on the visuals than the actual product, but thankfully, the menu did not disappoint.

I tried the Horchata Oatmilk Latte with the Brie and Apricot toast. They even paired it with a side of arugula, which has easily been my favorite food item of 2021 so far. 


Cafe Comma
3621 Vinings Slope SE Suite 4150
Atlanta, GA 30339