I've recently come to realize that Trader Joes becomes my go-to grocer during the holidays. They have such good seasonal snacks (gingerbread and peppermint flavored everything), and that's when I'm craving all kinds of quick and easy comfort food, which is what they do best. My meals are currently all over the place, and it's usually a mix of whatever's within reach paired with something green to make it "healthy."

Current TJs favorites include:

Also in my pockets this season? Bath and Body Works. Their annual candle sale is always the first Saturday in December, and I've had it on my calendar since before Thanksgiving... nothing was stopping me from picking up my favorite discounted candles! I had set a budget and only wanted a few but was irrationally irritated to find the prices had changed. Last year they were $8.95 a pop. This year they were $9.50. With the right coupon on the right sale weekend, it's easy to get $10 candles at Bath and Body Works all throughout the year, so I'm not sure I'll be as eager next December.

I don't know what they put in these candles, but the fragrance carries all throughout the house when I burn them. The past few days I've been lighting one upstairs and downstairs, so that no matter where I am in the house it smells like a winter wonderland. My favorite part of the evening is around 8pm when the baby is in bed, the candles are lit, the tree is lit, the kitchen is tidied from dinner, there's a glass of wine in my hand, and something cozy is playing on the tv. It's the kind of restful moment I look forward to from the minute I wake up.

Speaking of the tree, I couldn't even go on our annual tree farm adventure this year because I was sick in bed. I haven't had a cold this bad in years, and it seems Gabriel and I keep passing it back and forth to each other. Last year's tree was fuller and stood more upright, though.

Almost all of our Christmas shopping was done online this year, and this is the first time I've done that. Honestly, it takes the fun out of it for me. Going to the store, browsing the selection, picking things out... that's part of the magic. I have a few more things to get, but for once I'm not stressing about getting it done as soon as possible. Last year I was already done by this time. Now? I probably won't get J's gift until the weekend before.

There exists, in Sandy Springs, Georgia, this magical bakery filled with all the low-carb goodness. Cookies, cakes, pastries, bagels... you name it! The best part is that everything actually tastes delicious.

Zambawango for the win.

From low-carb desserts to burgers and fries, it's all about balance. Caught up with some lifelong friends over a classic meal at Grindhouse.

Celebrated Laura's new job over margaritas at La Parilla.

Jalapeño for me because ya' girl likes it spicy. 🌶

Closing things out with a little FaceTime.
