Ruby Falls is a 145-foot high underground waterfall located within Lookout Mountain, near Chattanooga, Tennessee. I had been to Ruby Falls once with my mom a few years back, and it was a cool experience, but not something I was itching to do again. 

This time around was different from what I remember. The tour was longer, there were many more callouts to the various formations inside the caves and more lights and signs, which took away from the organic beauty of it all. It's just like humans to mess with nature for the sake of commercialism. The formations, however, are still quite a sight to see. 

We decided to get out of town pretty last minute. One minute we were talking about maybe going somewhere and within the hour we were booking the hotel. After a bit of searching, we found BODE. It's not quite a hotel, but it's not quite an Airbnb either. I'd describe it as a cross between the two, but more than anything, it's super millenial.

Here's why:

When I was in college, I was seeing a guy who mentioned taking me on a trip to Chattanooga for the weekend.

Chattanooga? That little po-dunk town 2 hours north of Atlanta? I had been before and was not impressed, and I told him as much. It was a cool town, but there really wasn't much to do.

Believe it or not, he didn't drop my ungrateful behind right then and there – probably because he had a whole host of faults that I don't have the time or energy to mention at the moment. Now, about a decade later, I had the itch to getaway, but we have a baby in tow, and the budget won't allow for an extravagant vacation at the moment, so where did I turn? Chattanooga.

Granted, it's probably changed so much since 10 years ago, but it's such a cute little town! The downtown area is small in comparison to Atlanta, but it's super easy to navigate, not nearly as congested with traffic, and filled with lush greenery and cute little local shops. And! There was a Peet's Coffee coffeeshop across from our hotel! It honestly made me never want Starbucks again. We need one in Atlanta. But I digress.
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