I had a chat recently about how I don't eat out much these days, and it's true. Lately, if there's something I'm craving, I just make it myself: it's better for my budget, it's generally better for my health, and I can tweak and tailor the ingredients. Win, win, win. However, there are two exceptions: tacos (duh, who didn't see this coming) and brunch.
Ahhhh, brunch. Glorious brunch. There is no better meal in all the land.
This past Saturday was gorgeous, the kind of day that audibly calls for a good brunch. I dragged the mister all the way across town to Inman Park, to a spot that's been bookmarked on my Yelp list for a few months: BeetleCat.
During normal business hours, BeetleCat is a seafood restaurant. I'm not a seafood fan, so normally, I'd dismiss this place without a second thought. However, two words made me do a double take - DONUT BRUNCH.
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