I have all these photos in my phone and random thoughts in my head that don't quite fit into their own post, so I'm dumping everything here.
~ I've come to realize how much I appreciate when a blogger is transparent about who he/she is. I also dislike when a blog I've been reading for years becomes less and less relatable, but I've invested all this time into the person's (who's basically a total stranger) life, so I can't not keep reading. My point here is I'm taking some time to evaluate how I illustrate myself in this space. It's tricky deciding what to share and how open to be these days, especially when "being social" is usually referencing an online network of some sort. Regardless of it all, I like myself, and sharing is caring, so...
~ Taylor Swift sure knows how to write a catchy song. Even though I usually Stan for her country music roots over this mainstream road she's on, I'll likely continue vibing to 'Out of the Woods' for the remainder of the week.

~ I can't get enough Starbursts lately, especially the very berry variety.
~ My hair is in serious need of a trim & conditioning treatment, but i've been too lazy to do either and too cheap to pay a professional. ($100 for a curly cut in my area - sad face again)

~ I house-sat for a family nearby all last week, and that included dog-sitting with Nemo (pictured below).

~ Some friends and I made the 1hr+ ride out to Buford this weekend for a little haunted fun. We were chased by Jason and the Texas Chainsaw guy in the haunted forest, and it felt real for a split second. I just hate the feeling of being chased. I never liked playing 'Tag' as a kid.

~ In other news, I started Bikram Yoga yesterday. Groupon was offering an unlimited deal for a good rate, and I've been itching to get back to my practice. Mastering the King Pigeon and Scorpion poses are on my 30 before 30 list, so I guess I better start practicing again. The thing is, Bikram is a bit different than the classes I usually take. It's the original hot yoga practice, yes, but they only offer the same class every day, which goes through the same 26 postures each time. By the time this month is up I'll definitely be ready for something different, but I still plan to make the most of it.
~ In TV news, Scandal can sit down, How to Get Away with Murder can stay standing and i'm feeling homesick for How I Met Your Mother. Orphan Black is no longer On Demand, so I'm in the dark about what happened with the clones at the end of season 2, and I've picked up Gotham to fill the void - it surpassed my expectations.
/end randomness
- Why does that food look soooo good?
ReplyDelete- Starbursts is my favorite candy, next to Twizzlers, you're not alone
- Jason is misunderstood
- Amen to HTGAWM and I'm proud of you for picking up on Gotham!
- Because you know I only pick the sooooo good spots!
Delete- Only the pull-n-peel for me, but they're my favorite movie theater snack!
- LMAOOOOOOOOOO i don't care. Still creepy. And I'm literally laughing out loud at that.
- *flips hair*
-I'm going to create a point system like him ^^^
ReplyDelete-That ice cream sounds like heaven *adds to grocery list*
-Haunted House...yikes.
-Recently, I've realized how private I am when it comes to my social life, yet feeling an urge to be more open. Baby steps, I guess. This internet world we live in is so strange, right?
-I was just telling my mom that I am in dyer need of a trim, but I've been growing my hair out and I'm scared to cut it, which is silly, because growth with split ends crawling up is anti-progressive. So...I may have to suck it up.
- It was actually really good. They make coconut milk options, too. I plan to try all the flavors eventually, so I'll let you know which are the best.
Delete- I want to get to another one. I love the cheesy thrills!
- Strange isn't even the word. There's a delicate balance between sharing and protecting your privacy.
- Cut it. I was the same way all throughout high school, then a few years ago I just chopped it in front of my bathroom mirror and realized it really is just hair. I hardly do anything with it these days :/
Love this melting pot of photos and thoughts. I'm with you when it comes to deciding how much I share on my blog, I go back and forth and back and forth between feeling like I'm sharing too much or too little all the time. I also bought Taylor Swift's album today and it is like that which means alot because I'm not even a Taylor Swift fan haha. Lastly, me and haunted/scary don't go together. So kudos to you for going to a freaking haunted house. I'm pretty sure I would piss my pants if I ever did that O_O