On Saturday, I was one of those annoying restaurant customers who pulled out her camera when the food came. These biscuits, though. Theeeese biscuits, though... (typed twice on purpose) they're famous for a reason. Do I even need to say what restaurant they're from? I may or may not be trying to recreate this recipe in my own kitchen soon.
Speaking of my kitchen, thanks to the nonstop rain and 65 degree
Well... *Dwayne The Rock Johnson voice* IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE NAME IS!! Because I've been doing this breakfast for dinner thang for years. In fact, no undergrad collegiate experience is complete without a few poptarts and bowls of cereal for your evening feast. How else was I supposed to gain my freshman 15?
Thankfully, my culinary skills have come a long way since then, but I doubt there's a woman in this world who sincerely wants to throw down in the kitchen every single night. Sometimes (read: most times) I keep it simple, and breakfast is about as simple as it gets.
Homemade Stuffed French Toast

Bread (obviously) - 4 slices
Cream Cheese - 8oz
Brown Sugar - 1/4 cup
Berries of Choice - as much as you prefer
2 eggs
Almond Milk - 1/4 cup (can substitute with any milk)
Cinnamon - 2 tsp.
Butter/Margarine - 2 tbsp.
Vanilla Extract - 2 tsp.
For the fruit filling, I'm using strawberry preserves with blueberries on the side, but any blended berries will work. Even a mashed banana will make a good banana creme filling. I'm also using whole grain bread, but I hear those fancy Italian breads work well, too.
The instructions are literally as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1. Mix up the cream cheese, brown sugar, 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. vanilla in small bowl until well blended. If the cream cheese is fresh out of the refrigerator, let it sit and soften room temperature for a bit, so it's easier to mix Spread the cream cheese mixture between 2 slices of bread, and spread the fruit on the other two. Throw em' together like a cream cheese fruit sandwich.
2. Whisk the eggs, stir in milk, remaining 1 teaspoon cinnamon and remaining 1 teaspoon vanilla until it's very well blended. Dip the sandwiches in the egg mixture, and let them soak for about 2 minutes on each side.
3. Melt the butter or margarine in a large nonstick skillet (or griddle if you're fancy) on medium-low heat. Place the sandwiches in skillet, and let them cook for 4 to 5 minutes per side, or until they're as brown as you like. Repeat with remaining sandwiches, melting remaining tablespoon butter in skillet. Grab the syrup and tear it up!
Welcome to this edition of....
I along with 8 other ladies have joined forces to bring you this exciting weekly linkup. Every week we will have a theme to follow. The schedule for the coming weeks will be posted at the bottom of the linkup so you can plan out your posts in advance. Find your favorite recipes to go along with the theme and be sure to take lots of pictures!!
There are only a couple rules to play by!
1. Follow all your beautiful Hosts using at least one of the methods provided below.
Babies Bosses & Boyfriends: Blog / Bloglovin / Twitter
Rhyme and Ribbons: Blog / Bloglovin / Twitter
A Beauty Moment: Blog / Bloglovin / Twitter
Bailey Dailies: Blog / Bloglovin / Twitter
The Active spirit: Blog / Bloglovin / Twitter
The Campbell's: Blog / Bloglovin / Twitter
Caravan Sonnet: Blog / Bloglovin / Twitter
2. Grab a button, place it on your blog, and link up your post for your favorite recipe following the weekly theme!
3. Check out some of the other fantastic links & Have a blast!
And it is as easy as that! So get your favorite recipe book out and practice up! NO strings attached just a fun and friendly weekly linkup for working moms, single moms, Stay at home moms, housewives, or even the single lady looking for a great idea!!
The schedule for the coming weeks:
- Aug 19: Breakfast Food for Dinner
- Aug 26: Healthy Meal (Ex: Gluten Free)
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