I do, however, intend to learn - hopefully soon.
Stay tuned.

Last month consisted of chillin', eating, more chillin', Jazz Fest, and a nice little rooftop sunset.
I had absolutely no intention of going to Jazz Fest again this year, but me & a friend were already in the area, and the weather was nice... one thing led to another and suddenly we were laying out on the lawn at Piedmont Park. The artists we saw weren't as good as last year, and since it was Memorial Day weekend, the crowds were much bigger.
Have I ever mentioned my disdain for crowds? I always catch one too many whiffs of body odor, too many people unintentionally invade my personal space and I typically end up overhearing conversations I'd rather not hear. All these moments are magnified if there's alcohol in the mix, and since you can bring your own food and drink to Jazz Fest... yeah.
Okay, that's all for now.
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