It's been a while since my last post, and it's been an even longer while since my last love post. Sorry. I guess I haven't really been feeling the love lately, but something's been stirring in my head for a while, crying to be blogged about.
The Grand Gesture
Ever since Charlotte coined the term on Sex & The City, us women have had a phrase to put with the outstanding act(s) of devotion we seek from the man/men we date, but lets not forget what she called the Grand Gesture: Mr. Big sends Carrie a dozen red roses, for her birthday. Later on we find out that it was actually Mr. Big's secretary who reminded him of the occasion, but still, for argument's sake, he did send the flowers. He did make a gesture of some sort.
Some sort...
One may argue (raises hand) that sending a lady flowers on her birthday doesn't qualify as the Grand Gesture. Nice? Yes. Grand? No. While a bouquet of flowers is about as romantic a birthday gift I've ever received, I never thought it signified anything.
Who was it... John Cusack? In that one movie? Holding a boom box, blasting a love song... in the rain... outside her window? Yeah. That, my dear readers, is a grand gesture. It's my belief that every woman wants her man to actually show the world he wants to be with her. Isn't that the whole point of an extravagant, meticulously detailed wedding ceremony? So that everyone can come and watch the happy couple declare their love for each other. Since that may be too much to ask of a man you've been dating for a few months, the Grand Gesture comes to the rescue.
The thing is, we can't ask for it. In order to qualify as a Grand Gesture, the man has to calculate & execute it on his own, of his own will. Again, look at the John Cusack movie; I really wish I remembered the name, and I can't stop to Google it, lest I lose my train of thought. Sorry.
In today's world, the independent woman stands tall. She asserts her own opinion, pays her own bills, and isn't afraid to make the first move. The way a woman lives her life these days is a Grand Gesture in and of itself. Most of us prove our love for ourselves every minute of every day, so are we not leaving room for our male counterparts to do the same? Or is it that they no longer feel the urge to? Cusack's movie was made in the 80s, I believe, and Sex & The City is circa 1997. Maybe the Grand Gesture died at the turn of the century. If not, "where they do that at?"
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